
Safeguarding Your Family Against Dengue Fever

Living in the tropics like Bali has many wonderful benefits. A great example would be the weather. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy endless blue skies, the warm breeze and sunshine all year round? Here in Bali, you can look forward to 12 hours of sunshine every day. One of the only drawbacks of living in the tropics would be the rainy season, and the other drawback of living in the tropics would be tropical diseases like dengue fever.

In today’s blog post, we’d like to talk about the dangers of dengue fever and how you can safeguard yourself and your family against this dangerous and deadly, but completely preventable disease.

What Are The Warning Signs Of Dengue Fever?


Before we take a deep dive into the warning signs and symptoms of dengue fever, it may be helpful to note that dengue fever is no ordinary fever – it can cause extreme pains and extraordinarily high temperatures and would render the patient weak and bedridden for days if not weeks.

It’s so painful that even the World Health Organisation (WHO) refers to dengue fever as “break-bone fever”. This is quite apt as those who have suffered and survived dengue fever often complained about extreme joint and bone pains, intense headaches, and extreme feelings of weakness. They also suffer from loss of appetite and dehydration. In fact, people who have recovered from dengue may continue to feel tired or lethargic for several weeks.

In addition to regular dengue fever, there are also the dangers of severe dengue or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). This version is extremely dangerous and can lead to death if the patient is not taken into immediate hospital care. Blood vessels become damaged and leaky and the number of healthy platelets in the bloodstream drops, leading to shock, internal bleeding, organ failure and even death.

Depending on their doctor’s diagnosis and prescription, dengue and severe dengue patients would have to be admitted to the nearest hospital for in-patient care for round-the-clock monitoring and IV infusion.

Let’s take a look at all the warning signs of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

Symptoms Of Dengue Fever:

  • High fever (40°C)
  • Severe headaches
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Muscle and joint pains
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Swollen glands
  • Rashes

Symptoms Of Severe Dengue/Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF):

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Rapid breathing
  • Bleeding gums or nose 
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Blood in vomit or stool
  • Being very thirsty
  • Pale and cold skin
  • Feeling weak 

Dengue In Indonesia

According to the CDC, each year, up to 400 million people worldwide are infected by the dengue virus. Approximately 100 million people get sick from infection, and 40,000 die from severe dengue.

In Indonesia, the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases reached 94,355 in the 39th week of 2022 while regular dengue fever recorded 131, 625 cases.

How To Prevent Dengue Fever

Mosquito Bites

With such high cases of dengue and severe dengue fever recorded every year in Indonesia, what can you do to protect and prevent yourself and your family while you’re here in Bali?

The first thing to do is to educate yourself and your family about the dengue mosquito. Keep an eye out for the Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus breed, which is easily spotted via prominent black and white stripes on its body and legs.

This breed of mosquitoes can also spread Chikungunya and Zika, and is most active two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset, but it can also bite at night. However, the WHO says that dengue outbreaks can occur anytime, as long as the mosquitoes are active.

Dengue mosquitoes live in urban areas close to humans. They lay eggs in containers that are filled with water such as discarded tyres, upturned pots and pans, unused bottles, etc. Remember to check your home and garden for all of these, turn them over, or discard them in covered designated waste areas.

You could also prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellent like DEET and eucalyptus oil, wearing clothing that covers your arms and legs, using mosquito netting where available and adding mosquito screens to your doors and windows.

Here in Bali, the mainstream solution is to burn mosquito coils or use mosquito spray or fogging which is harmful to humans when inhaled and is bad for the environment. And while insect repellent is readily available at all pharmacies, it is not a sustainable solution as it cannot be good for the body to absorb chemicals daily, and wearing clothing that covers your arms and legs while in tropical paradise isn’t exactly ideal!

So what can you do to safely and naturally safeguard your family against dengue fever?

Prevention & Education

Automatic Misting System Instalation

Here at Mosquito Solution, we thoroughly recommend starting with prevention & education, our all-inclusive consultancy & inspection service. This is the first step to creating your mosquito-free outdoor haven while protecting your family against dengue fever.

As part of this service, our team of seasoned experts, comprising biologists, chemists, and engineers, will meticulously inspect your garden and property, identifying every mosquito breeding and resting site. We’ll go through every nook and cranny, from the smallest, most hidden spot to major structural issues.

After our thorough inspection, we’ll provide you with a detailed report in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Our biologist will also collect mosquito larvae from your property and cultivate them in our state-of-the-art laboratory. This process reveals vital information about the species, activity patterns, and potential dangers of mosquitoes inhabiting your garden. 

In addition to cutting-edge mosquito control, we also prioritise staff training, ensuring that your gardener and maid possess the necessary expertise to maintain a mosquito-free environment. 

From proper plant care to debris removal and preventative measures, we’ll educate and empower your staff to play an active role in combating mosquito breeding and maintaining a safe outdoor space.

After a thorough prevention & education process, the next logical step in safeguarding your family against dengue fever would be to implement the best, most natural, effective, and sustainable option to create a mosquito-free sanctuary for yourself and your loved ones, which is misting with Mosquito Solution’s Automatic Misting System.

Why Mosquito Solution

Mosquito Solution

Our groundbreaking system is made from 100% natural plant compound from chrysanthemum flowers called pyrethrum & no harmful chemicals which effectively targets mosquitoes while being gentle on humans, pets, and the environment. 

A misting system will be discreetly installed around your property, which is completely automatic. It releases our product in controlled quantities, constructing an impenetrable “cloud barrier” that keeps mosquitoes at bay. 

This state-of-the-art technology offers superior protection without exposing you or the environment to harmful side effects, plus, you’ll get a worry-free 1-year warranty! Our mosquito misting system also easily integrates into a variety of outdoor spaces such as golf courses, hotels, villas and commercial properties.

Are you ready to enjoy a worry-free and mosquito-free life? Contact Mosquito Solution now for a free quote and analysis and start living your mosquito-free life today!

One Reply to “Safeguarding Your Family Against Dengue Fever”

  1. […] nuisance. Not only do they leave itchy welts on your skin, but they can also transmit diseases like dengue fever and malaria. So, how can you enjoy your outdoor spaces without constantly being harassed by these […]

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