Anopheles Gambiae – The African Malaria Mosquito

Anopheles gambiae is the most important of Malaria vector which can be noticed by the light brown to grey body color with pale spots yellow or cream scale and the resting position of Anopheles is distinguishable where their abdomen is raised into the air. This type of mosquito is active at night and the female Anopheles prefer to blood fed on human indoors, but outdoor feeding also occurs.
As we know, adult female would lay their eggs on every aquatic habitat, but they prefer the shallow sunlit pools of standing water where we can find in rice field, swamps, excavated sand, puddle, and irrigation. The development of Anopheles gambiae from egg to adult occurs in 10-11 days depend to temperature, and can take longer time depends on temperature.
Just like the other mosquito species, male and female Anopheles mosquito feed on plant nectar or plant juice as sugar meal to gain energy after they emerged. Commonly, Anopheles mosquito actively seeking for food and blood at night with peak hours of activity around 00.00 am to 4.00 am and their activity continuing until the dawn. High abundance of Anopheles mosquito mostly would be found around us during rainy season and the population decreases during the dry season.