
General info about mosquito

Mosquito is considered as the deadliest and the most dangerous insect in the world. There are more than 3,400 species of mosquitoes, which are divided into three subfamilies based on their specific biological characteristic and their habit: Anophelinae, Culicinae and Toxorhychitinae where among them are the most important vectors of disease. The life span of mosquito varies based on the species, food supply, temperature, and humidity. The entire life cycle they develop in two phases (aquatic and air phase) takes approximately 8-14 days. See the figure below to understand the mosquito life cycle development.

mosquito life schema

The latest report from Ministry of Health, Bali is the top 3 provinces with the highest Incidence Rate/IR of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), Chikungunya cases, and Japanese Encephalitis (JE) cases. The reported area in Bali with high potential DHF case are in Badung District, Buleleng District and Gianyar District. Refers to the reported mosquito-borne disease data, we can set a strategic way to prevent and reduce the mosquito-borne cases.

One Reply to “General info about mosquito”

  1. […] Foggers are effective in killing mosquitoes on contact. They can cover a larger area in a short amount of time, making them ideal for large outdoor spaces or areas with particularly heavy mosquito activity.  […]

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