
Mosquito Trivia/Fun fact

  • Only female mosquito feeds on blood. The female mosquito lives longer than the male with the average life span 42 days and the male’s life span up to 10 days.
  • Most of female mosquitoes only mate once in their entire life time, and store the sperm for the rest of life to fertilize hundred eggs in spermathecae.
  • Each mosquito species has diverse active schedule.
  • Lactic acid from human body excretion attracts Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
  • Climate change expands mosquito-borne disease.
  • Mosquito’s gonotrophic cycle is dependent on temperature, humidity, size of the females, copulation status, and the quality and quantity of blood meal taken.


2 Replies to “Mosquito Trivia/Fun fact”

  1. […] natural repellents to protect against mosquito bites is a great way to enjoy the outdoor spaces in Bali without worrying about potentially risky […]

  2. […] could also prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellent like DEET and eucalyptus oil, wearing clothing that covers your arms and […]

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