Living in Bali is a dream for many but once you’re here in the tropics, there’ll be some environmental challenges to overcome and one of them would include mosquito control.  

If you’ve been following our blog, you’d know by now that mosquitoes are not only annoying – they can be dangerous and deadly. They carry a myriad of viruses that could cause alarming diseases like Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, Zika, Malaria and Chikungunya. Despite these threats, you would want to maximise your time in the outdoors once you’re in Bali and this would mean the urgent need to implement methods for mosquito control for a mosquito-free life.

What Is The Best Medicine For Being Bitten By A Mosquito?

There are a number of safe and effective ways to control mosquitoes in your Bali residence. Here at Mosquito Solution Bali, we have three proven, potent and powerful methods to get rid of these biting pests long-term. Let’s take a look.

How Do I Get Rid Of Mosquito Breeding On My Grounds?

Mosquito BreedingWhen facing a mosquito infestation in your Bali residence and grounds, we understand that you would want to immediately go in with insecticides, chemicals and repellents to obtain mosquito control and get rid of these pests once and for all. But you’d be surprised to know that one of the most effective and long-term solutions is achievable through prevention & education.

At Mosquito Solution Bali, we offer an all-inclusive consultancy & inspection service to educate your family, staff and team. This is the first step to complete mosquito control. Think about it – you could mist, spray and fog all you want but if the people around you continue to add to a mosquito-filled environment, then all of your efforts and investments would go to waste.

Our team of biologists, chemists, and engineers will meticulously inspect your garden and property, identifying every mosquito breeding and resting site.  After our thorough inspection, we’ll provide you with a detailed report in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. Our biologist will also collect mosquito larvae from your property and cultivate them in our state-of-the-art laboratory. This process reveals vital information about the species, activity patterns, and potential dangers of mosquitoes inhabiting your Bali residence. 

We will then use this knowledge to customise our automatic misting system to optimise spray cycles for your Bali residence. We hold staff training, so your staff and team will possess the necessary expertise to maintain mosquito control and a mosquito-free environment. 

What Is The Best Method For Mosquito Control?

Mosquito Solution the Best Menthod for Mosquito ControlAfter a thorough prevention & education process, the next logical step to total mosquito control would be to implement our Automatic Misting System, the best, most natural, effective, and sustainable option that is 100% automatic, advanced, and easy-to-install mosquito solution.

The entire system is a discreet network of pipelines and nozzles, placed in high-risk areas around your Bali residence, pre-programmed to dispel a light and gentle mist containing our natural & effective mosquito repellent. Two to five cycles of sprays per day of no more than 30 seconds each is enough to construct an impenetrable “cloud barrier” that keeps mosquitoes at bay, with lasting results of up to two weeks.

Our repellent was created using a natural plant compound from chrysanthemum flowers called pyrethrum, which is safe for your family, pets, and the environment. This is in comparison with standard pest control that uses high levels of non-organic chemicals like aerosol that could affect even the soil, the air, and the water around you. This repellent is also used in our Ultra-Low Volume Treatment machines.

Ultra-Low Volume Treatment (ULV) – A Great Alternative To Fogging

ULV Treatment - Great Alternative to FoggingThis is a great option that is both way lower toxicity and highly effective in helping you achieve total mosquito control. This type of treatment is perfect for those who do not wish to or are unable to opt for our Automatic Misting System with its network of pipelines and nozzles but still want a mosquito-free environment.

Our ULV machine is quiet; it uses water and not oil to convert our all-natural, eco-friendly and pet-friendly mosquito repellent into cool, odourless mist, which we then disperse into problem, mosquito-filled areas, eliminating mosquito eggs before they even hatch, as well as larvae and adult mosquitoes.

The droplets in the mist are smaller than those used in fogging, so a bigger area can be covered effectively, with longer-lasting effects lasting up to 2 weeks. Here at Mosquito Solution Bali, we offer two types of Ultra Low Volume Treatment – ORS (Outdoor Residual Spray) and IRS (Indoor Residual Spray). This just means that the ULV treatment can be done safely and effectively both indoors and outdoors.

Total Mosquito Control With Mosquito Solution Bali

The above are the best and most effective, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to achieving total mosquito control in and around your Bali residence and grounds. Are you ready to begin your mosquito-free Bali experience? Contact Mosquito Solution Bali now for a free quote and analysis and start living your mosquito-free life today!

If you’re suffering from mosquito infestations whether at home or your place of business here in Bali, then you need an effective, safe, yet powerful way to get rid of these biting pests. It is common knowledge that mosquitoes are not only annoying, they carry diseases that can be both dangerous and deadly, so it would be in your best interest to find the ideal solution that would suit you and your family best.

There are a number of mosquito control methods available in Bali today – the two most popular methods include misting system vs fogging. While these are the two most common techniques used throughout the island, it is important to note that there are major differences between the two.

In today’s post, we’d like to share with you the differences between misting systems vs fogging to help you make a smart and informed decision for the health and the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Let’s take a look.

What Is The Difference Between Misting System And Fogging Mosquitoes?


FoggingTraditional mosquito fogging is an ineffective method of eliminating mosquitoes using a large cylindrical metal machine. The machine is filled with insecticides and diesel and once turned on, makes a loud roaring sound while dispelling strong-smelling, potentially dangerous and chemical-filled insecticides into the air in the form of a fog. While it does eliminate mosquitoes, fogging is only effective for a short period of time – usually only up to 72 hours or less. Also, do note that traditional mosquito fogging will have no effects on larvae or mosquito eggs.

Not a long-term solution: Fogging is effective but it will only deter mosquitoes for up to 72 hours as the particles from the fog would typically drift away with the air or the wind. The insecticide used in fogging is also not as durable or effective as the natural components used in misting.

Doesn’t kill larvae or eggs: While it kills adult mosquitoes, fogging will not kill larvae or eggs, so once they hatch, you’ll experience a surge in mosquito population once again. Mosquito larvae typically hatch within 24 to 48 hours of being laid, but this can vary depending on the temperature. Remember that mosquito eggs can survive for months even in dry conditions.

Strong smelling: The fog produced from the fogging machine strong smelling, similar to burning oil and can potentially irritate small children, the elderly and pets.

Chemical-based: The insecticides used in fogging are chemical-based mixed with diesel, which would leave an oily residue on your plants, grass and outdoor furniture. We recommend wiping down all outdoor furniture and surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any remaining chemicals.

May be harmful: Chemicals used in fogging may be harmful to humans – in particular, small children – and pets if they are inhaled. Keep your loved ones indoors and close all doors and windows while fogging is taking place. Stay indoors for at least 4 hours before to minimise exposure and to allow the chemicals to dissipate.

Misting System

Misting SystemMisting system eliminates mosquitoes quickly and effectively and for a long-term period, but without the loud noise, the foul smell, or the toxic chemicals and pollution. Misting system vs fogging targets mosquitoes in all of their favourite hiding spots like dark foliage and damp areas but what makes misting system superior is that the nozzles are placed to aim the mosquito resting spots in order to eradicate mosquitoes directly or leave a residual effect that will eliminates them once they touch the surface treated even when the insecticide is dry within 24/48 hours. Misting system is also water-based and at Mosquito Solution Bali, we use an eco-friendly repellent derived from an all-natural, plant-based compound that is better for you, your family and the environment.  

Longer-lasting effects: Unlike fogging which uses a machine for a one-off effect, mosquito misting uses pipelines and nozzles that are set up discreetly along the perimeter of your property to automatically dispel a thin and light mist of all-natural mosquito repellent with lasting up to two weeks. Particles from the mist can last up to two weeks due to a superior blend, and won’t easily dissipate with the wind or rain.

Targets larvae & eggs: Mosquito misting targets the larvae and eggs of mosquitoes and repels them where they lie. This will ensure an immediate decline in the mosquito population in and around your property.

Odourless, water-based & natural: At Mosquito Solution, we use an odourless formula that is all-natural and plant-based, a gentle formula that is not harmful to humans or animals. We use water instead of oil to disperse the mist, which is cleaner and more sustainable for the environment.

Kid-friendly & pet-friendly: Our misting system uses only 2.5% of insecticide compared to 25% of a traditional manual treatment, which makes it safe for children and pets if not directly exposed to the mist itself. 

Misting With Mosquito Solution Bali

Misting with Mosquito SolutionMisting with Mosquito Solution’s Automatic Misting System would be the best, most natural, effective, and sustainable option to create a mosquito-free sanctuary for yourself and your loved ones.

Our repellent (insecticide) is made from a natural plant compound from chrysanthemum flowers called pyrethrum & no harmful chemicals which effectively targets mosquitoes while being gentle on humans, pets, and the environment. 

A network of pipelines and nozzles will be discreetly installed around your property, which is completely automatic. It releases our product in controlled quantities at set times throughout the day, constructing an impenetrable “cloud barrier” that keeps mosquitoes at bay. 

This state-of-the-art technology offers superior protection without exposing you or the environment to harmful side effects, plus, you’ll get a worry-free 1-year warranty! Our mosquito misting system also easily integrates into a variety of outdoor spaces such as golf courses, hotels, villas and commercial properties.

Are you ready to enjoy a worry-free and mosquito-free life? Contact Mosquito Solution Bali now for a free quote and analysis and start living your mosquito-free life today!

Just like every other tropical country in the world, mosquitos are everywhere in Bali. They are often encountered outdoors, especially in gardens or in areas with lots of shrubbery and vegetation. If not properly controlled, mosquitos can move indoors in dark corners and rooms, biting and spreading harmful diseases at all times of the day.

It would be a shame to stay indoors in Bali with all the doors and windows closed just to avoid mosquitos, especially for villas and businesses that offer outdoor seating and indoor-outdoor dining and living areas. An uncontrolled mosquito population won’t be good for you and your loved ones, nor will it be profitable for any business or villa owners. It would mean supreme discomfort for your guests and customers.  

So what can be done to stop, control and eradicate mosquitoes from your home garden or businesses here in Bali?

What Is Mosquito Misting?

Misting mosquito control system

One of the best ways to control and eliminate the mosquito population in your home, villa, or commercial property here in Bali would be with Mosquito Solution Bali’s Automatic Misting System, which will transform your outdoor living into a mosquito-free sanctuary.

This advanced, automated misting solution is specially designed to eradicate pesky and dangerous disease-carrying mosquitoes using 100% naturally derived and eco-friendly plant-based ingredients with no harmful chemicals while ensuring the safety and well-being of your family, customers, and pets.

How Does Mosquito Misting Work?

Mosquito repellent misting

Generation One Misting System from Mosquito Solution Bali is 100% automatic and easy to install. A discreet pipeline will be placed in high-risk areas around your property that will automatically dispel a light and gentle mist containing our mosquito solution at predetermined times throughout the day in small, controlled quantities, constructing an impenetrable “cloud barrier” that keeps mosquitoes at bay.

You will be pleased to know that with our automatic misting system, just two to five cycles of sprays per day of no more than 30 seconds each is sufficient to keep mosquitos away thoroughly. Enjoy lasting results for up to two weeks.

Our solution was created using a natural plant compound from chrysanthemum flowers called pyrethrum, which is safe for your family, pets, and the environment. This is in comparison with standard pest control that uses high levels of non-organic chemicals like aerosol that could affect even the soil, the air, and the water around you.

What Is The Best Time For Mosquito Misting?

Mist stops buzzing

The best and most effective time for mosquito misting would be when the mosquitos are most active and looking for food. The timing set for the spraying is important in ensuring maximum results.

Aedes mosquitos and other mosquito species here in Bali are active in the early mornings and late afternoons, right after the sun rises, and in the hours leading up to sunset, approximately between 7-10 am and 5-8 pm. This would be the best time to set the timing for mosquito misting for maximum results.

If you’re in an area with a high mosquito population, you can opt to set our automated misting system to spray more than twice a day. Consult with our team of experts, and they’ll help you determine the number of times that will best suit your property and your mosquito situation.

Standout Features

Example of villa without misting system

Here are some standout features of our Generation One Misting System that you may find helpful:

  • Cutting-edge, high-tech design for unmatched mosquito control
  • Automated misting anti-mosquito system for convenient, hands-free protection
  • 100% naturally derived products for an eco-friendly and safe solution
  • Discreet pipeline installation to harmonise with your property’s aesthetics
  • Customisable settings for optimal protection in any outdoor location
  • One-year overall warranty for guaranteed satisfaction and peace of mind

In addition to residential gardens, our Generation One Misting System can be easily integrated into various outdoor spaces such as golf courses, hotels, villas, and commercial properties, making it the perfect solution for any outdoor mosquito problem.

Mosquito Solution’s Automatic Misting System

Mosquito Solution System

Misting with Mosquito Solution’s Automatic Misting System would be the best, most natural, effective, and sustainable option to create a mosquito-free sanctuary for yourself and your loved ones or your business.

Our state-of-the-art technology offers superior protection without exposing you or the environment to harmful side effects. Plus, you’ll get a worry-free 1-year warranty! Our mosquito misting system also easily integrates into various outdoor spaces such as golf courses, hotels, villas, and commercial properties.

All you need to do now to begin living a mosquito-free life in Bali is to contact us and schedule your free consultation with Mosquito Solution.

  • During your free consultation, we will pinpoint mosquito breeding and resting sites
  • Detail a comprehensive approach to exterminate and control the mosquito population
  • Conduct mosquito larvae collection and laboratory analysis
  • Provide you with a detailed report of our findings

Contact Mosquito Solution now for a free quote and analysis and start living your mosquito-free life today!

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