Ultra Low Volume Treatment

Indoor residual spray or Outdoor residual spray


Smiling family enjoying mosquito-free outdoors.

When it comes to mosquito control, traditional methods can be both toxic and ineffective. Our team of experts has developed a new approach that is not only safer and more environmentally friendly but also more effective in eliminating mosquitoes from ORS (Outdoor Residual Spray) and IRS (Indoor Residual Spray).

Introducing our Manual Treatment for erase mosquito life cycle out of your place, with ULV technology (Ultra Low Volume) machine for mosquito control.

Our ULV machine uses a powerful electric fan to produce a thin mist of water and insecticide, targeting mosquito breeding and resting sites with precision. With this method, you can enjoy a mosquito-free environment for up to 2 weeks without any harmful side effects.


Choose Your Best Offer

Package 1

per mo
High Density Cells
Repair & Replacement
Panel Maintenance
Environmental Friendly

Package 2

per mo
High Density Cells
Repair & Replacement
Panel Maintenance
Environmental Friendly


Furthermore, our natural-based indoor residual spray is completely safe for you and your pets, so you can live worry-free in your home.

Choose our IRS (indoor treatment) or ORS (outdoor treatment) services to experience a more effective, safer, and eco-friendly approach to mosquito control.

Ultra Low Volume Treatment

Protect your family from mosquito-borne diseases

We’re delighted to share more about our natural products with you. We take your safety and the environment seriously, which is why we’ve opted for natural-based ingredients in our indoor residual spray. These eco-friendly alternatives to harsh chemicals are derived from plants, such as chrysanthemum flowers, which contain a compound called pyrethrum. Pyrethrum effectively targets mosquitoes, while being gentle on humans, pets, and the environment.

We’re always exploring and researching the latest natural solutions, so you can rest easy knowing we’ve got your back – and your home – when it comes to a mosquito-free life. So, go ahead and embrace the power of nature with our effective and environmentally friendly mosquito control treatments!

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