Yellow fever is one of mosquito-borne disease caused by virus classified in genus Flavivirus. This disease is considered as epidemic-prone as both mosquitoes have capability transmitting the yellow fever virus from infected primates (human or non-human) to other primates (human or non-human), the yellow fever virus is transmitted to people by the bites of infected Aedes or Haemagogus species mosquitoes. Large outbreaks of yellow fever potentially may occur in urban area with high population and high density of Aedes aegypti by introducing infected people who carry the yellow fever virus in their blood. The symptoms of infected people commonly begin in 3-6 days from the bites of infected mosquitoes, include fever, severe headache, chills, fatigue, back pain, jaundice (condition of the skin or the sclera—white of the eyes—turning yellow), nausea, and vomiting. Yellow fever case in globally is reported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated 200,000 cases annually.

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